What is the Population of Alameda County, California?

Alameda County is a county located in the United States. UU. It is one of the most ethnically diverse regions in the Bay Area and the country. This chart shows the breakdown of the major industries for residents of Alameda County, California, although some of these residents may live in Alameda County, California and work elsewhere.

The race most likely to live in poverty in Alameda County, California is black, with 19.54 percent below the poverty level. On the other hand, the race least likely to fall into poverty in Alameda County, California is white, with 7.51% below the poverty level. The largest universities in Alameda County, California, by number of degrees awarded are the University of California-Berkeley (14,685 (43.6%), California State University in East Bay (11,057 (5,387 and 16%) and Chabot College (2,285 and 6.78%).The population of Alameda County, California is estimated to be 1,637,000 people as of 2020. This makes it the seventh most populous county in California and the twentieth most populous county in the United States.

The population density is 1,845 people per square mile. The racial makeup of Alameda County is diverse. The largest racial group is White, making up 44.3% of the population. The second largest racial group is Asian, making up 24.3% of the population. The third largest racial group is Hispanic or Latino, making up 18.2% of the population.

Other racial groups include African American (7%), Native American (0.5%), Pacific Islander (0.4%), and other races (5.6%).The median household income in Alameda County is $90,945 per year, which is higher than both the state and national averages. The median home value in Alameda County is $817,400, which is also higher than both the state and national averages. Alameda County has a strong economy with a variety of industries that employ its residents. The top industries are healthcare and social assistance (14%), retail trade (13%), professional services (12%), educational services (10%), and finance and insurance (9%).Alameda County has a variety of attractions for visitors to enjoy including museums, parks, beaches, wineries, and more. Some popular attractions include Oakland Zoo, Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley Marina, Jack London Square, and Oakland Museum of California.

Blanche Greiwe
Blanche Greiwe

Avid beer buff. Hipster-friendly tv evangelist. Typical pop culture ninja. Hardcore tv buff. Lifelong analyst.