What is the Median Age of Residents in Alameda County, California?

Alameda County, California is a populous area with an estimated 1,737,940 residents. The average age of the population is 38, with 49.52% of the population being male and 50.48% female. Of the citizens living in Alameda County, 65.54% were born in the United States and 19.74% were born outside of the US. The most prominent universities in Alameda County are the University of California-Berkeley (14,685 degrees awarded), California State University in East Bay (11,057 degrees) and Chabot College (2,285 degrees). These three institutions account for a combined total of 43.6%, 16% and 6.78% of all degrees awarded in the county respectively. The largest industries in Alameda County are healthcare and social assistance (17.3%), retail trade (13.2%), educational services (10.3%), professional, scientific and technical services (9.2%) and manufacturing (8.7%).

These five industries account for a combined total of 58.6% of all jobs in the county. Alameda County does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of information translated by Google Translate.

Blanche Greiwe
Blanche Greiwe

Avid beer buff. Hipster-friendly tv evangelist. Typical pop culture ninja. Hardcore tv buff. Lifelong analyst.